Resident Evil 4 (2005)

Playtime: 31.1 hours

A game that lives up to the hype!

I wasn't sure what to expect playing RE4 for the first time. I had only played the RE2 & RE3 remakes at the time. I will say that this is definitely worth playing, even if you have played the RE4 remake!

It is very rare that I see Tank controls implemented well. I didn't like them on Metroid Prime, Goldeneye 007, Silent Hill, but this game manages to do it spectacularly! If I had one dislike, it would be that I can't move while shooting, but they make compromises for this, for example, the enemies are fairly slow and stagger easily.

The story is really good. I prefer the story in this over the remake. The bosses are a lot more interesting, Leon is so much more charming, and everything just feels so "right" playing it.

This is game is a blast to play. Worth a playthrough at the very least.

However, playing Professional on Steam Deck has been literally impossible for two reasons. One, the button prompts all show as keyboard keys, so there's a memorization aspect that I never could get down. And two, I litterally cannot press the back buttons quick enough to get through the very first boulder section of the game.

Please give this classic game a shot! It's worth it!


Resident Evil 4
